Monday, March 26, 2007

Pardon Me While I Hose Myself Down

For those of you who live in Atlanta, you know that March is a very special time of year. Spring comes early here. We already have green grass, leaves on the trees, the daffodills have already done their thing....and THE OAK TREES ARE ATTACKING US ALL. No lie. The trees are trying to kill us. Maybe it's revenge for cutting them all down to build McMansion neighborhoods, or, even worse, those little cardboard box houses with 5 feet of "yard" around them.

Let me explain -

I walk outside on my lunch break thinking I might eat my lunch in the park or something. It's nice out - unseasonably warm, sunny, all that - when I am BLOWN IN THE FACE BY A GIANT YELLOW DUST CLOUD. Pollen. And lots of it. I now have gross yellow crud all in my eyes, all over my clothes, and my black car is kind of a weird greenish color.

So I check the pollen count for today. The pollen scale is this:

And today's pollen count is........5,499!

They seriously need to rethink their scale.

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