Thursday, March 13, 2008

Heard on the Way to South Carolina

Me: (Looking at the ETA on the GPS - oh yeah...we're all kinds of techno-fancy) Hey mom, you're making good time, we've taken a minute off of our ETA.

Mom: Dang it, that car's so slow. They're making me lose time!

Me: What? I just said we're making good time. We were supposed to get there at 7:30; now it says 7:29.

Mom: (Completely not listening to me, totally flipping out about the slow car) They're slowing me down! We'll just have to make the minute up later.

Me:.....WHAT? 7:29 is earlier than 7:30.

Mom: You BET it is.....what?

Yeah...she kind of picks up on a word or two here and there. It's not the easiest trying to carry on a conversation with her when there's traffic around.


Robin Lambright said...

Very spring. Love the new color and photo! Spring is my favorite time of year. I am itching to get some dirt under my fingernails.

Mezzo Forte said...

Ooooo, you added me to your "blogs I read" list. Awwwww, I can't believe it...I'm READ!!! Love the "face lift" looks pwetty =0D

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Dissin' on jo-mama. Maybe I'll start my own blog and start trashin' the fact You BET I will!


The aforesaid Jo-mama.