Thursday, August 02, 2007

Humble Yourself and You Will Be Lifted

So today was difficult. I made the decision to end a relationship in my life and was shocked at how badly the other party took it. What I was expecting was a clean break, goodbyes and then to move on. What I ended up with was a mess. There was name calling, ugly insinuations, and very hurt feelings. I was taken way off guard. This was not at all what I had intended.

I hung up the phone feeling wounded, weepy and taken for granted. I felt like I was right and that they were very much in the wrong. I spent the rest of the afternoon just defeated. Heavy. Incapable of thinking about anything else. I talked to a sweet friend on the phone, and she was so much help. One thing she did say, though, was 'maybe she'll call later and apologize.' And I'm thinking - yeah, like I'm going to pick up THAT call. Then she said, 'it may even be that YOU need to call her back.'



That felt so yuck, so wrong, soooo the opposite of what everything in me was telling me to do. The sheer enormity of my unwillingness was proof that it was exactly what I needed to do.

So I got home and dialed the phone before I could talk myself out of it, and - who knew - it was the best possible thing that could've happened. We had a good long talk, cleared the air, and realized what a miscommunication it all had been. The relationship is still over, but on much better terms.

The point I'm trying to get at is that sometimes you just have to humble yourself. It's completely against human nature, particularly when we feel like we've been wronged. But let me tell you the truth: the best thing that you can do is to keep your nose clean and take the higher road. She could have still been angry with me. She could have been insensetive and harsh and selfish, but the right thing to do would still have been to humble myself and apologize for the way that I handled things. Because, let's face it, the only thing you can control is the way that you behave and the way that you present yourself.

Anyway. I'm glad it's over and I'm looking forward to not sniffling for the rest of the day!

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