Friday, February 22, 2008
Check out this post by Shaun Groves, and make sure you click on the lion link. It gave me the shivers. I don't want to be a dumb hartebeest!
Friday, February 15, 2008
I implore you to pray this as intercession for those who live in the profound poverty we know nothing about.
Psalm 86
A prayer of David.
1 Hear, O LORD, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
2 Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
You are my God; save your servant
who trusts in you.
3 Have mercy on me, O Lord,
for I call to you all day long.
4 Bring joy to your servant,
for to you, O Lord,
I lift up my soul.
5 You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
6 Hear my prayer, O LORD;
listen to my cry for mercy.
7 In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
for you will answer me.
8 Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
no deeds can compare with yours.
9 All the nations you have made
will come and worship before you, O Lord;
they will bring glory to your name.
10 For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
you alone are God.
11 Teach me your way, O LORD,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
13 For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave. [a]
14 The arrogant are attacking me, O God;
a band of ruthless men seeks my life—
men without regard for you.
15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
16 Turn to me and have mercy on me;
grant your strength to your servant
and save the son of your maidservant. [b]
17 Give me a sign of your goodness,
that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Silent Invasion
I must say, I'm a little concerned at the number of pleats I've seen lately. I mean, one here. One there. It may seem harmless enough but I just can't help feeling a sense of impending doom when I come across something like this
Oh, but look how they tug.
I really hope pleats don't come back. My stomach pooches enough on it's own. I don't need a little bowl on the front of my pants for my flab to sit in. I mean honestly.
Not to disrespect Old Navy, of course. I do love this and this and this (ooh it's like buttah). But pleats? I just don't think I can relive it. We shudder with fear at what we wore in the 80s for a REASON, PEOPLE.
Take a long hard look.

Do you really want to go there again? It's a natural progression, and it's only a matter of time.
Just say no.
Oh, but look how they tug.
I really hope pleats don't come back. My stomach pooches enough on it's own. I don't need a little bowl on the front of my pants for my flab to sit in. I mean honestly.
Not to disrespect Old Navy, of course. I do love this and this and this (ooh it's like buttah). But pleats? I just don't think I can relive it. We shudder with fear at what we wore in the 80s for a REASON, PEOPLE.
Take a long hard look.

Do you really want to go there again? It's a natural progression, and it's only a matter of time.
Just say no.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
A Title, if I Could Think of One, Would Go Here
I don't know how much I love this new template. It doesn't really reflect how FLIPPIN' HAPPY I am these days. The cool thing is, everything's so crazy and uncertain and unstable right now (that's not the cool part) but I'm just so much at peace, and new doors are opening and I'm learning who I am as an individual (that is).
I know - in general, Christians don't put too much stock in the word "happy." Happy is circumstancial and temporary. But I tell you what, when you've got the joy of the Lord he sure can brighten up your day. So I'm happy being happy.
Good things going on this week:
*I found out that in no uncertain terms I AM NOT AS WEIRD AS I THOUGHT I WAS. Can I just say, beyond thrilling. Other women have been through the SAME JUNK I have (even the really really junky junk) and have come out on the other side happy and healthy and productive. Yee haw.
*I met sweet Merry. Now, I have to tell you that when I say we are alike in a lot of ways I mean NEARLY EVERY WAY. I told her yesterday that I wasn't entirely sure that I'm not suffering from some sort of Fight Club syndrome and that when I talk to her I'm really just talking to myself. She is smart and funny and precious. And I should know. She's very nearly me.
*I am studying so much Scripture, commentary, criticism, apologetics and self-examination study that I am pretty sure that when I'm done I'll have earned some kind of double-PhD. Honestly. Who says you can't get a theological degree at home?
*I started exercising again. Oh that Denise Austin (or Neesey, as I like to call her) we do have the love/hate relationship. As in I love to eat chips and queso and hate to jump around in my living room. But don't be alarmed, every door is locked, every curtain is closed and every mini-blind is turned with that little rolley wand thing, because, truthfully, Jell-o jigglers have nothin' on me, my friend. I would hate to scare a neighbor into cardiac arrest or something. But, you know, yay for exercise. It sucks, but hopefully I'll be less frightening in a few months!
Boyfriendless life seems to be suiting me for the moment. Although, I need to share some thoughts soon about HOW STUPID I find it that ANYTHING that is REMOTELY RELATED to single Christian people is, in the end, nothing more than a dating service. Every website, every blog, every chat room devoted to single people is operating under the assumption that your highest goal in life is to find a husband and start makin' babies like all the other NORMAL people in the world.
The eye is twitching.
But I digress.
So, you'll have my ranting to look forward to, but hopefully with a sunny disposition.
Peace out
I know - in general, Christians don't put too much stock in the word "happy." Happy is circumstancial and temporary. But I tell you what, when you've got the joy of the Lord he sure can brighten up your day. So I'm happy being happy.
Good things going on this week:
*I found out that in no uncertain terms I AM NOT AS WEIRD AS I THOUGHT I WAS. Can I just say, beyond thrilling. Other women have been through the SAME JUNK I have (even the really really junky junk) and have come out on the other side happy and healthy and productive. Yee haw.
*I met sweet Merry. Now, I have to tell you that when I say we are alike in a lot of ways I mean NEARLY EVERY WAY. I told her yesterday that I wasn't entirely sure that I'm not suffering from some sort of Fight Club syndrome and that when I talk to her I'm really just talking to myself. She is smart and funny and precious. And I should know. She's very nearly me.
*I am studying so much Scripture, commentary, criticism, apologetics and self-examination study that I am pretty sure that when I'm done I'll have earned some kind of double-PhD. Honestly. Who says you can't get a theological degree at home?
*I started exercising again. Oh that Denise Austin (or Neesey, as I like to call her) we do have the love/hate relationship. As in I love to eat chips and queso and hate to jump around in my living room. But don't be alarmed, every door is locked, every curtain is closed and every mini-blind is turned with that little rolley wand thing, because, truthfully, Jell-o jigglers have nothin' on me, my friend. I would hate to scare a neighbor into cardiac arrest or something. But, you know, yay for exercise. It sucks, but hopefully I'll be less frightening in a few months!
Boyfriendless life seems to be suiting me for the moment. Although, I need to share some thoughts soon about HOW STUPID I find it that ANYTHING that is REMOTELY RELATED to single Christian people is, in the end, nothing more than a dating service. Every website, every blog, every chat room devoted to single people is operating under the assumption that your highest goal in life is to find a husband and start makin' babies like all the other NORMAL people in the world.
The eye is twitching.
But I digress.
So, you'll have my ranting to look forward to, but hopefully with a sunny disposition.
Peace out
Saturday, February 02, 2008
I Heart Lost
What? Only 6 get to come back? And then McScary shows up at the looney bin and asks Hurley if "they're" still alive?? THEN flippin' Charlie shows up?! And says "they need you" Woo! Who is "they??" And Jack is trying to hide "what they did" and Hurley wants to go back and we know that Jackdoestoofromlastyear'sseasonfinale!!!
Lord have mercy, I think I just broke a sweat.
Oh the Lost. I do love it.
J.J. Abrams, a grateful nation salutes you. Thank you for some quality tv.
What? Only 6 get to come back? And then McScary shows up at the looney bin and asks Hurley if "they're" still alive?? THEN flippin' Charlie shows up?! And says "they need you" Woo! Who is "they??" And Jack is trying to hide "what they did" and Hurley wants to go back and we know that Jackdoestoofromlastyear'sseasonfinale!!!
Lord have mercy, I think I just broke a sweat.
Oh the Lost. I do love it.
J.J. Abrams, a grateful nation salutes you. Thank you for some quality tv.
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